Episode 2 - Code along on our Glitch Community Code Jams 'Self-Portrait' 🤳
November 10, 2023
Last week we kicked off our first Glitch Community Code Jam with the prompt "self portrait." This week, Jenn shows off her favorite projects from the community and continues working on her own #codejam submission 🍓
In case you missed last week's inaugural episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-86_xZF14Y
Prerequisites: no coding experience necessary, just the urge to see cool apps. Learn more about Glitch Community Code Jams: https://glitch.com/jams
Glitch Community Code Jams
some submissions you need to see
- ~connect-dots-self-portrait by @n.hieda
- ~pixelate-potranator by @yeshuadcosta is a tool for creating your own self-portrait with pixel art and background images
- this is the blueprint for this month's prompt: ~foil-radical-echidna by @@smonette
remember to go to glitch.com/jams to learn more and see how to participate (or just stick around this episode, it's your life)
App of the week
- bird lovers rise up for Jorge Garcia's Glitch in Bio.
- If you want to make your own, head to glitch.com/glitch-in-bio to learn more! I use it for my own site too
- Submit your favorite apps to be featured!
Building Glitch
- preview.glitch.com
- @wilsonthewolf made a script for theming it after they first submitted a hot dog stand version.
Keep an eye on the Building Glitch category in the forum for future updates and to share your own ideas and feedback.
The Gallery
- from the forum, javaarchive shares their project georadar.glitch.me
- my coworker Dora gave a talk at DevOps Barcelona, and you can view all the info in the talk Glitch in Bio she put together for it
- a heavyweight robotics team is sharing their progress towards entering battlebots on glitch
- from Mastodon, Minty made Conway’s game of life in a-frame
- Kieran Farr’s put together two great a-frame projects to create a really nice ocean scene in 3D
- There's going to be an online Hydra meetup on November 21, learn more at hydra-meetup-8.glitch.me
To have your app featured, post it to The Gallery!. And if you want to talk about what you're working on, writing, reading, listening to, etc, sound off in the latest Community Open Thread
Let's jam
Previous post: Episode 1 - Announcing Glitch Community Code Jams